Monday, 1 November 2010

That time of year again

Next Yule festival items as currently seen on Bullroarer - two cloaks, a tunic and a scarf. Green/red are dyeable.

And this post is here because we were collectively wallowing in our laziness so I thought I'd post something right now. Now the hot potato goes to Breggie and Erun to post something.


  1. oo. im liking the look of the cloak! :D

  2. I can't wait for the scarf.

    I'm not liking the new model for pushed back hoods on cloaks though!

  3. I'm hoping they'll do some nice versions of that pushed-back-hood-cloak in the future updates, I never liked the 'clasps' or whatever they are on the classic hoodless cloak so I think the new model sits a bit better on most characters.

    And yay for scarf!

  4. Challenge me? I need something to post! xD My blog moved by the way, it's now at :)

  5. Oh, what happened to your domain? *adding the new one to the feed reader and updating the blogroll*

    Here's a challenge now: what is/was the first thing you did when you log(ged) in after today's patch?
